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Poppy2.0 communication library
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Poppy 2.0 communication lib

The role of this code is to manage the Poppy 2.0 communication stack between all modules.

It is the basic library used to create new modules, you can use it to develop you own !

To understand how this protocole work, please read the protocol definition.

How to start a new Poppy 2.0 module code project

First of all you have to fork this repository to create your hown module on your github account. scr folder contain the lib source code you sould not modifying it to keep compliance with other modules. To avoid any trouble during future updates of the poppy-pross lib, take care to not modifying any files in the src folder or create a specific branch for all your developpements.

In this repo travis is used to create documentation, update readme, and pass some tests. To activate all this things you have to follow some steps :

To have a perfect integration and declaration of your module into a poppy 2.0 network you have to:

You can use the template.c file to format your main file and use it as base.

Please feel free to use and contribute to this project.

If you have any question please describe it in the Poppy project forum.