Source code for pypot.primitive.utils

import numpy

from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict

from .primitive import Primitive, LoopPrimitive

[docs]class Sinus(LoopPrimitive): """ Apply a sinus on the motor specified as argument. Parameters (amp, offset and phase) should be specified in degree. """ properties = + ['frequency', 'amplitude', 'offset', 'phase'] def __init__(self, robot, refresh_freq, motor_list, amp=1, freq=0.5, offset=0, phase=0): LoopPrimitive.__init__(self, robot, refresh_freq) self._freq = freq self._amp = amp self._offset = offset self._phase = phase self.motor_list = [self.get_mockup_motor(m) for m in motor_list]
[docs] def update(self): """ Compute the sin(t) where t is the elapsed time since the primitive has been started. """ pos = self._amp * numpy.sin(self._freq * 2.0 * numpy.pi * self.elapsed_time + self._phase * numpy.pi / 180.0) + self._offset for m in self.motor_list: m.goal_position = pos
@property def frequency(self): return self._freq @frequency.setter def frequency(self, new_freq): self._freq = new_freq @property def amplitude(self): return self._amp @amplitude.setter def amplitude(self, new_amp): self._amp = new_amp @property def offset(self): return self._offset @offset.setter def offset(self, new_offset): self._offset = new_offset @property def phase(self): return self._phase @phase.setter def phase(self, new_phase): self._phase = new_phase
[docs]class Cosinus(Sinus): """ Apply a cosinus on the motor specified as argument. Parameters (amp, offset and phase) should be specified in degree. """ def __init__(self, robot, refresh_freq, motor_list, amp=1, freq=0.5, offset=0, phase=0): Sinus.__init__(self, robot, refresh_freq, motor_list, amp, freq, offset, phase=(numpy.pi / 2 + phase))
[docs]class PositionWatcher(LoopPrimitive): def __init__(self, robot, refresh_freq, watched_motors): LoopPrimitive.__init__(self, robot, refresh_freq) self._pos = defaultdict(list) self.watched_motors = watched_motors self._duration = 0. @property def record_positions(self): return deepcopy(self._pos)
[docs] def setup(self): self._pos.clear()
[docs] def update(self): for m in self.watched_motors: self._pos[].append(m.present_position) self._duration = self.elapsed_time
[docs] def plot(self, ax): for m, pos in self._pos.items(): t = numpy.linspace(0, self._duration, len(pos)) ax.plot(t, pos) ax.set_ylabel('position (in deg)') ax.set_xlabel('time (in s)') ax.legend(self._pos.keys(), loc='best')
[docs]class SimplePosture(Primitive): def __init__(self, robot, duration): Primitive.__init__(self, robot) self.duration = duration
[docs] def setup(self): self._speeds = {m: m.moving_speed for m in self.robot.motors} if hasattr(self, 'leds'): for m, c in self.leds.items(): m.led = c
[docs] def run(self): if not hasattr(self, 'target_position'): raise NotImplementedError('You have to define "target_position" first!') for m in self.robot.motors: m.compliant = False self.robot.goto_position(self.target_position, self.duration, wait=True)
[docs] def teardown(self): for m, s in self._speeds.items(): m.moving_speed = s if hasattr(self, 'leds'): for m, c in self.leds.items(): m.led = 'off'