What is pypot?¶

Pypot is a framework developed in the Inria FLOWERS team to make it easy and fast to control custom robots based on dynamixel motors. This framework provides different level of abstraction corresponding to different types of use. More precisely, you can use pypot to:
- directly control robotis motors through a USB2serial device (both protocols v1 and v2 are supported: you can use it with AX, RX, MX and XL320 motors),
- define the structure of your particular robot and control it through high-level commands.
Pypot has been entirely written in Python to allow for fast development, easy deployment and quick scripting by non-necessary expert developers. The serial communication is handled through the standard library and thus allows for rather high performance (10ms sensorimotor loop). It is crossed-platform and has been tested on Linux, Windows and Mac OS. It is distributed under the GPL V3 open source license.
Pypot is also compatible with the V-REP simulator. This allows you to seamlessly switch from a real robot to its simulated equivalent without having to modify your code.
The next sections describe how to install pypot on your system and then the first steps to control an Ergo-Robot. If you decide to use pypot and want more details on what you can do with this framework, you can refer to the tutorial.
Pypot is part of the poppy-project and is mainly used to control Poppy Creatures. If you are not interested in the low-level communication with motors and sensors but rather on high-level behaviors of Poppy Robots, you should directly see the poppy-* libraries (e.g. Poppy Humanoid or Poppy Ergo Jr). They are built on top of pypot and abstract most of its operating and already come with convenient method for creating and starting your robot. They are also a good starting point if you want to define your own Poppy Creatures.